Low-Dose Canned Cannabis Cocktails

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Nowadays THC Cocktails Come in Four Flavors with 5mg of THC

These Nowadays THC cocktails are being launched as a Low Dose range of refreshments from the THC-infused spirit brand to provide consumers with a relaxed option to enjoy this season. The drinks have 5mg of hemp-derived THC in every 12-ounce can that's mixed with carbonated water and natural fruit flavors to give them the perfect profile for casual sippers. The drinks come in four flavors including Citrus, Original, Berry and Spicy Lime, which are each reported to start taking effect within 15-minutes of consumption.

CEO and Co-Founder Justin Tidwell spoke on the new Nowadays Low Dose THC cocktails saying, "Expanding into canned cocktails was a natural next step for us. Our bottled spirits have been incredibly successful, and we wanted to build on that by taking everything consumers love about Nowadays and creating a canned version for an elevated ready-to-drink experience. With this innovation, we can reach even more people and continue growing the brand."
Trend Themes
1. Thc-infused Beverages - The emergence of low-dose THC-infused canned cocktails is changing the beverage landscape by offering a legal, convenient, and socially acceptable way to consume cannabis.
2. Ready-to-drink Cocktails - The shift towards ready-to-drink cannabis cocktails reflects a broader trend in the beverage industry where convenience and immediate consumption are highly valued by consumers.
3. Flavored Cannabinoid Drinks - The introduction of THC drinks in diverse flavors caters to consumers' growing preference for variety and taste in their relaxation and recreational products.
Industry Implications
1. Cannabis Products - Cannabis-infused beverages represent a new frontier for the cannabis industry, balancing regulatory challenges with growing market demand.
2. Beverage Industry - The beverage industry is expanding to include niche segments like THC-infused drinks, offering innovative products to capture health-conscious and recreational consumers.
3. Health and Wellness - The rise of low-dose THC cocktails intersects with the health and wellness industry, providing a new avenue for relaxation without the high calorie content often found in alcohol.

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