Scattered Brick Bungalows

Tham & Videgard Arkitekter's House Features a Maze-Like Layout

In theory, bungalows should be the simplest type of home, as a single story reduces the potential complexity that inherently accompanies multiple layers, but Tham & Videgard Arkitekter's 'Creek House' shows that to be a theoretical truth and nothing more. The isolated Swedish country home features a byzantine layout of randomly scattered brick volumes.

There are no less than 15 brick volumes that make up Tham & Videgard Arkitekter's design. These are roughly divided into three different wings that are all connected to the central living area, but that description belies the labyrinthian nature of the home as a whole. To be sure, the home has a complex floor plan, but one could argue that that adds to its sense of homeliness, as mastering that plan means deep familiarity with the home.
Trend Themes
1. Complex Floor Plans - Opportunity for architects and designers to create innovative layouts that challenge traditional home designs.
2. Labyrinthian Architecture - Potential for creating unique and interactive spaces within buildings, appealing to adventurous homeowners.
3. Scattered Volumes - Opportunity to experiment with unconventional placement of architectural elements, creating visually striking and distinctive designs.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture - Architects can explore unconventional designs and layouts, offering clients innovative and personalized living spaces.
2. Interior Design - Designers can leverage complex floor plans and labyrinthian architecture to create unique, immersive and functional interiors.
3. Construction - Builders can utilize scattered volumes to design and construct visually captivating structures that stand out in the market.

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