‘Revenge porn’ is defined by the Urban Dictionary as "homemade porn uploaded by an ex-girlfriend or (usually) ex-boyfriend after particularly vicious breakup as a means of humiliating the ex."
I think we get the picture here, without the need for an accompanying YouTube video. This is one of those side shoots of technology, of having access to 33 flavors of cheapo video cameras. The problem is that this is difficult to prosecute because there are no laws specifically outlawing the practice.
The bottom line… don’t do anything on film that you wouldn’t let your mom watch.
Naughty Net Revenge
Payback Videos for Exes
Trend Themes
1. Anti-revenge-porn Technology - Opportunities for tech companies to develop innovative solutions to prevent the spread of revenge porn videos.
2. Cyberbullying Awareness Campaigns - Opportunities for public and private organizations to raise awareness and educate the public about the dangers of cyberbullying and revenge porn.
3. Legal Actions Against Revenge Porn - Opportunities for legal professionals and lawmakers to navigate and properly address issues related to revenge porn and create laws against this practice.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - Tech companies can create anti-revenge-porn software and apps that can prevent the spread of revenge porn videos.
2. Education - Schools and organizations can raise awareness and educate the public about cyberbullying and revenge porn to prevent its occurrence.
3. Legal Services - Lawyers and lawmakers can create and enforce laws addressing and penalizing the practice of revenge porn.