Encouraging Temporary Tattoos

Tattly Designs Encourage the Wearer and Onlooker to Stay Positive

Tattoos are an artistic way to express oneself and Tattly takes the temporary approach by creating encouraging designs that tell wearers to keep up the good work. The collection of temporary tattoos by Tattly are each designed to encourage the wearer and onlooker to keep a positive attitude with designs that include such ones as "Make it Happen: PERIOD" and "Be Happy."

Each of the temporary designs by Tattly are so endearing that they would make an appropriate permanent design. With that said, tattoos can still be viewed as somewhat of a taboo in our culture, so these creations by Tattly are perfect for adding a little bit of an edge that isn't permanent. The designers store is full of other creations that have all be done by hand and are great for people of all ages.
Trend Themes
1. Temporary Tattoo Designs - Opportunities to create more temporary design options that inspire positivity and creativity.
2. Mindful Accessories - Innovations that incorporate mindfulness into everyday accessories to promote positive well-being.
3. Personal Expression - New ways to express oneself through creative, non-permanent art.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Developing not only clothing but also accessories that reflect mindful and positive values, like temporary tattoos.
2. Wellness - Incorporating temporary designs with uplifting messages into traditional wellness practices, like yoga and meditation.
3. Art - Exploring the possibilities of temporary art as a means of expression and experimentation.

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