Prickly Plant Installations

Tamed by Miha Artnak is Made Out of 20,000 Drawing Pins

Tamed by Miha Artnak is an art installation that centers around the plant species commonly known as cacti. Although it is clearly a man-made version of a cactus, the Slovenia-based artist took a rather literal approach when creating it. Made out of a shocking 20,000 drawing pins, it is as prickly as the real plant is.

It is through this method of recreation that Tamed by Miha Artnak embraces the process of taming, for which this art installation was named. As is written on Artnak's website, "Taming is the process whereby a population of animals or plants, through a process of selection, becomes accustomed to human provision and control." This cactus may still be viewed as dangerous, but only through human design.
Trend Themes
1. Artificial Cacti - There is a trend of creating artificial cacti installations using unconventional materials.
2. Prickly Aesthetics - Artists are exploring the beauty and symbolism of prickly plants in their works.
3. Reimagining Nature - Art installations are reimagining and recreating natural elements in artistic and unexpected ways.
Industry Implications
1. Art - The art industry can explore new ways of using unconventional materials to create unique and visually striking installations.
2. Interior Design - Interior designers can incorporate artificial cacti installations to bring a touch of nature and edginess to interior spaces.
3. Sculpture - Sculptors can experiment with reimagining natural elements using various materials, pushing the boundaries of traditional sculpture.

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