Accessible Communication Devices

The 'Talk' Communication Device Helps the Disabled Communicate

The 'Talk' communication device is designed to improve and augment the communicative capabilities of people suffering from disabilities that impede their ability to speak and communicate with others. The device allows users to use their breath to denote dots and dashes to form letters and words.

Breath was chosen as the medium of control because it was found to be the means available to the highest proportion of people. A special microphone is used to detect the different breath types, with International Morse Code used to translate breath inputs into word outputs.

A special algorithm allows the Talk communication device to distinguish between short and long exhales. A computing engine then synthesizes words into speech.

Controlled tests have revealed that the device has a near-perfect accuracy level. The developers of the device are aiming to raise funds for its production on crowdfunding website Indiegogo.
Trend Themes
1. Accessible Communication Technology - There is an opportunity to create communication technology that improves the lives of people with disabilities and increases inclusivity.
2. Assistive Technology Innovation - Assistive technology, such as the 'Talk' communication device, has the potential to disrupt the market and provide new solutions for persons with disabilities.
3. Morse Code Revival - Revival of Morse code for communication technology, as seen in the 'Talk' device, has the potential to transform how we communicate with those who have disabilities that impede their ability to speak.
Industry Implications
1. Assistive Technology Industry - The 'Talk' communication device is disrupting the assistive technology industry by using innovative technology to improve communication and accessibility for individuals with disabilities.
2. Healthcare Industry - The healthcare industry has an opportunity to work with assistive technology companies to create more devices like the 'Talk' communication device that improve the quality of life of patients with disabilities.
3. Education Industry - The education industry can benefit from the development of communication technology such as the 'Talk' device, which can help students with disabilities better communicate with their teachers and peers in the classroom.

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