Caped Crusader Shot Glasses

These Super Hero Cups by Vat19 Will Please Any Comic Book Nerd

Super heroes are great; no matter what age you are the ideologies that one acquires from reading the heroic stories of any caped crusader will be with you forever, which is why you should bring those ideologies at the bar with these super hero cups by Vat19.

The super hero shot glasses are designed with the costume attires of the DC Trinity. Adding a cape to anything automatically makes it immensely better -- that's why all the great super heroes have capes. Not many people can boast that their shot glasses have capes embroidered to imitate Batman, Superman or Wonder Woman. The super hero cups feature high quality designs, a polyester cape and a stretchable silicone band.

Having a drink or five feels much more heroic now thanks to these DC shot glasses.
Trend Themes
1. Superhero-inspired Drinkware - Opportunity to create more imaginative drinkware design inspired by Marvel and DC characters.
2. Augmented Reality Bar Experience - Innovative approach to bar entertainment with superhero augmented reality experience.
3. Subscription Box for Superhero Fans - Creating a subscription box filled with superhero merchandise for the fandom community.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Incorporating superhero-inspired drinkware in bars and restaurants to attract customers.
2. Entertainment - Using augmented reality technology to create superhero experience and attract more customers.
3. Subscription Box - Creating superhero-themed subscription boxes for the fandom community.

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