Unrealistic Anorexia Ads

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The Star Models Campaign Tells Women They "Are Not a Sketch"

From afar, it might not seem as though anything is wrong with the girls in the Star Models campaign. If there was any additional photoshopping done, no one would have suspected a thing. Nevertheless, the people behind this campaign do not want to hide anything; instead they bring attention to the continued prevalence of anorexia in the modelling industry.

The Star Models campaign was created by Brazil-based ad agency Revolution. It reads, "You are not a sketch." This tag line is disturbingly illustrated with a side-by-side comparison of a fashion sketch and the real-life model trying to imitate it, right down to the pencil-thin limbs drawn. Becoming a husk of a human being, these models need to 'say no to anorexia.'
Trend Themes
1. Body Positivity Movement - Opportunity for companies to promote body acceptance and inclusivity in advertising.
2. Anti-photoshopping Campaigns - Opportunity to challenge unrealistic beauty standards by showcasing authentic and unretouched images in marketing.
3. Mental Health Awareness - Opportunity to raise awareness about the prevalence of eating disorders and advocate for mental health support in the modeling industry.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion and Beauty - Opportunity for fashion and beauty brands to embrace diverse body types and promote a healthier body image.
2. Advertising and Marketing - Opportunity for advertising agencies to create impactful campaigns that challenge societal beauty norms and empower individuals.
3. Mental Health and Wellness - Opportunity for mental health organizations to collaborate with the modeling industry and provide resources for models struggling with eating disorders.

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