Terrifying Online Drowning Simulators

Sortie En Mer Promotes the Use of Lifejackets Through Fear

The folly of humans often lies in their belief that they are invincible, the Sortie En Mer website puts that into perspective. It features an interactive short film that simulates the experience of drowning. A sunny day turns stormy and a man is thrown overboard. It is up to the viewer to save him by scrolling down as fast as he can.

Directed and produced by Ben Strebel and Wanda Digital / Grouek, the Sortie En Mer short film cleverly replicates the mental and physical fatigue experienced when drowning. Soon it becomes too much and the scrolling ceases and so does the man's life. By terrorizing their viewers, the agency reinforces an age-old message: Always where a lifejacket at sea.

The Sortie En Mer website was created for yachtwear manufacturer Guy Cotten.
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Reality Simulators - Virtual reality simulators can simulate realistic experiences to educate and create awareness on important safety practices.
2. Interactive Film Experiences - Interactive films provide an immersive and engaging way to deliver impactful messages and promote behavior change.
3. Shockvertising - Shockvertising can be used as a powerful tool to provoke emotional responses and raise awareness about safety issues.
Industry Implications
1. Virtual Reality - The virtual reality industry can leverage simulators to create immersive safety training experiences.
2. Film & Entertainment - The film and entertainment industry can explore interactive films as a medium to deliver powerful messages and create awareness.
3. Advertising & Marketing - The advertising and marketing industry can utilize shockvertising techniques to grab attention and promote important safety practices.

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