Mission-Made Communities

The Social Venture Network Brings People Together in the Name of Good

If there's one thing about social enterprise lately is that if you're in the field and working hard at it, you won't be alone and the Social Venture Network (SVN) makes that very clear. SVN is a community of socially responsible innovators dedicated to changing the world through collaboration and perseverance. These are the leaders of today and tomorrow.

Founded in 1987, the Social Venture Network precedes the contemporary way we talk about sustainable business but that doesn't mean they're stuck in the past. In fact, they have been integral to the creation of social entrepreneurship as we know it, and the understanding that mission and business can coalesce in an innovative fashion.

Contact Information
Social Venture Network website
SVN on Facebook
SVN on Twitter
SVN on LinkedIn
SVN on YouTube
Trend Themes
1. Social Enterprise - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore new business models that prioritize social and environmental impact alongside profit.
2. Collaboration - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop platforms and technologies that facilitate collaboration among socially responsible innovators.
3. Sustainable Business - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create innovative strategies and practices that integrate sustainability principles into business operations.
Industry Implications
1. Nonprofit Organizations - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Apply entrepreneurial approaches and business strategies to enhance the impact and sustainability of nonprofit organizations.
2. Technology and Software - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Build software platforms and digital solutions that support social entrepreneurs in scaling their initiatives and measuring their impact.
3. Corporate Social Responsibility - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop new frameworks and tools for corporations to effectively integrate social and environmental responsibility into their operations.

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