Follower-Donating Campaigns

The Social Charity Campaign 'OneBigTweet' Accepts Unusual Donations

Stating that "Donating money to charity is so last century," Cafédirect Producer’s Foundation created a social charity campaign that has Twitter users donate their followers rather than money.

The aim of the campaign is to create #OneBigTweet that can be auctioned off to support farmers in Africa. Participating in the creation of this One Big Tweet means that by signing up, a Twitter user will automatically retweet the #OneBigTweet one time. Rather than collecting monetary donations, the value in this campaign lies in awareness and social currency. So far, over a million Twitter followers have been "donated."

A similar campaign was created by ooVoo when it set up an 'ooVootique' where its app users could trade in their friends on the account as a way of purchasing physical objects.
Trend Themes
1. Follower-donating Campaigns - Creating social charity campaigns that allow users to donate their followers rather than money.
2. Social Currency - Emphasizing the value of awareness and social currency in donation campaigns.
3. Alternative Donation Models - Exploring innovative ways for people to contribute without traditional monetary donations.
Industry Implications
1. Social Media - Using follower-donating campaigns to leverage the power of social media for charitable causes.
2. Non-profit Organizations - Adopting the concept of follower-donating campaigns to engage donors and raise awareness.
3. Tech Startups - Developing platforms and tools to facilitate alternative donation models, such as trading friends for physical objects.

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