Fiber-Rich Iced Lattes

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Kencko's Single-Serve Iced Lattes Contain a Cup of Organic Fruit

Kencko is applying its expertise in freeze-drying technology to the coffee category with its latest launch, single-serve Iced Lattes. The product is offered in convenient and eco-conscious single-serve packaging which is also home compostable.

These portable sachets contain one-and-a-half shots of espresso, plus a cup of organic fruit. Free from refined sugars, these energizing iced lattes get their naturally sweet taste from a fiber-filled serving of ingredients like banana, apple, strawberries and caramel-like dates, which beautifully balance the rich bitterness of roasted coffee beans. Alongside the Mocha and Banana Caramel varieties, Kencko offers a Cinnamon flavor made with a slice of sweet potato. Thanks to their fiber content, these convenient iced lattes feed beneficial bacteria to the gut and help to regulate blood sugar levels.

The brand's easy-to-prepare Iced Lattes are ready to mix with chilled milk or a sweetened milk alternative for additional flavor.
Trend Themes
1. Functional Beverages - This trend encompasses drinks formulated not only for taste but also for health benefits, like gut health and blood sugar regulation.
2. Portable Nutrition - Products designed for convenience and on-the-go consumption are gaining traction, especially those with added nutritional value like fiber.
3. Natural Sweeteners - Increased awareness of the health risks of refined sugars is driving demand for products sweetened with natural ingredients, such as dates and fruits.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage Industry - The beverage sector is seeing innovation with newcomers integrating health-focused ingredients into popular drinks like coffee.
2. Health and Wellness - This industry is rapidly evolving as brands incorporate ingredients that promote gut health and overall wellness into everyday products.
3. Convenience Foods - The rise in demand for easily-preparable, nutritious options highlights significant growth potential in this segment for health-conscious consumers.

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