Unconventional Gin Partnerships

Aviation Gin & the Westminster Dog Show Created a Signature Drink

Ryan Reynolds' Aviation Gin partnered with the Westminster Dog Show and created a brand-new signature drink called The Sensation. Although Aviation Gin is known for its unconventional stunts, this partnership is as unlikely as ever. The pairing was announced with a 45-second ad showing Reynolds himself stretching and mopping his brow before bringing out a bottle of company's "Best in Show" gin out on a leash.

The Sensation is a cocktail that can be prepared with a mixture of equal parts lemon juice and simple syrup, plus five muddled blackberries. All of these ingredients are served in a coupe or martini glass with a lemon peel garnish after being shaken and strained with ice.
Trend Themes
1. Unconventional Partnerships - Opportunity for businesses to collaborate in unexpected ways to create unique and innovative products or experiences.
2. Signature Drinks - Incorporating branded beverages at events or collaborating with beverage companies to create exclusive drinks can enhance the overall guest experience and brand recognition.
3. Celebrity Brand Endorsements - Partnering with celebrities to promote products or services can generate buzz, reach new audiences, and create exciting marketing opportunities.
Industry Implications
1. Alcohol and Beverage - There is potential for alcohol companies to collaborate with events or brands to create unique and memorable signature drinks.
2. Event Planning and Management - Event planners can explore collaborations with beverage companies to offer customized signature drinks at events, enhancing the guest experience.
3. Advertising and Marketing - Businesses and advertising agencies can leverage celebrity endorsements to generate excitement, increase brand visibility, and reach new target audiences.

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