'Shonen Jump' is the name of a weekly manga magazine that's published and distributed in Japan, featuring stories from Dragon Ball Yu-Gi-Oh! and other popular manga series. Now, Shonen Jump is set to launch an all-new virtual reality magazine called 'VR Jump,' which puts a focus on emerging technologies and games.
Like many other Japanese magazines, VR Jump comes with an "omake," or a "giveaway." In order to help its readers enjoy and immerse themselves in the content to the fullest, the magazine comes with a free VR head-mounted display. This is particularly useful, especially considering virtual reality headsets are too currently costly for the average person to afford.
In Japan, VR Jump is identified as a "mook," which is a publication that adopts the physical form of a magazine and the long shelf life of a book.
Virtual Reality Magazines
Shonen Jump's 'VR Jump' Includes a Headset for Viewing Content
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Reality Magazines - Opportunity to create immersive and interactive virtual reality content in magazine format.
2. Free VR Headsets - Opportunity to provide complimentary VR headsets for enhanced user experience and accessibility.
3. Mooks - Opportunity to combine the traditional magazine format with the durability of a book.
Industry Implications
1. Publishing - Publishers can explore the creation and distribution of virtual reality magazines.
2. Virtual Reality - Companies in the virtual reality industry can develop innovative VR content and complementary hardware.
3. Retail - Retailers can offer VR headsets as promotional items to drive customer engagement.