Digital Vice Depictions

The 'Seven Sins' by Cali Rezo Present Illustrations with a Warning

'Seven Sins' by Cali Rezo are digital illustrations depicting precisely what the name suggests. The works are a digital series of paintings based on the seven deadly sins. Each of the pictures featuring model Myriam account for these seven deadly vices.

Anger, pride, greed, laziness, miserliness, lewdness and desire are the seven evils portrayed in each of the pictures, as they capture a modern woman carrying out each form of the evil act. This digital series is captivating, and reminds viewers of the sins performed mindlessly in everyday life.

While one portrait shows Myriam greedily eating, another shows her angry side. My favorite picture in 'Seven Sins' by Cali Rezo is 'Pride,' as the model looks at herself in a spoon.
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Art Exhibitions - Creating virtual art exhibitions or galleries opens up more opportunities for artists and art enthusiasts to showcase and appreciate art.
2. Digital Portraiture - The rise of digital portraiture offers endless creative possibilities for artists and can help bridge the gap between traditional and digital art forms.
3. Moralistic Art - Artists can use their skills to create thought-provoking work that raises moral, ethical or social questions and encourages critical thinking and reflection.
Industry Implications
1. Artificial Intelligence - AI-powered tools and platforms can help artists to experiment with different style and techniques and create artworks efficiently and effectively.
2. E-commerce Retail - Digital art can be monetized through e-commerce channels and online marketplaces, offering more accessibility and convenience for art buyers and collectors.
3. Social Media - Social media platforms can serve as virtual art galleries, helping artists to reach wider audiences and connect with fans, collectors, and potential clients.

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