In celebration of the final season of Dexter, the online baking sensation, Miss Cakhead, has created a hyperrealistic serial killer cake that looks uncannily like Dexter Morgan's grinning face.
The cake consists of Dexter's entire upper body, including hands with delicately detail fingers. The fondant used by Miss Cakehead looks eerily like skin, while everything from Dexter's eyebrows to the wrinkles around his mouth look impossibly human. Miss Cakehead's pictures show her cutting into Dexter's face, creating a grid pattern of slices. Since the cake looks uncannily like a human head, this creates a strange feeling in the viewer that is definitely the opposite of hunger.
While other Dexter confections have hit the baking market, this one takes the cake. Its eerie, humanoid qualities and oddly epidermal outer layer make for a baked good that, while scaring potential eaters, is the perfect way to celebrate the final season of Dexter.
Hyperrealisitc Serial Killer Cakes
This Dexter Morgan Cake Lets Fans Consume Their Favorite Killer
Trend Themes
1. Hyperrealistic Cakes - By creating cakes that resemble realistic human faces, there are opportunities to disrupt the traditional baking industry and attract fans of unique and unconventional desserts.
2. Serial Killer Imagery - Incorporating serial killer imagery into baked goods presents opportunities for artists and bakers to create edgy and provocative products that cater to niche markets.
3. Celebrity-inspired Cakes - Designing cakes that resemble famous characters or personalities allows for the exploration of creative and entertaining desserts that appeal to fans and collectors.
Industry Implications
1. Baking and Pastry - The baking and pastry industry can embrace hyperrealistic cake designs to offer unique and personalized creations for special occasions or themed events.
2. Art and Sculpture - Artists and sculptors can incorporate their skills into the baking industry to create visually stunning and thought-provoking works that challenge traditional notions of what a cake should look like.
3. Entertainment Merchandise - The entertainment merchandise industry can collaborate with bakers and confectioners to produce unique and limited-edition creations that appeal to dedicated fans and collectors.