Hirschy Hirschfelder and Miles McMillan star in the 'One Two One' editorial for the Scandinavia SSAW Spring 2014 issue. Indeed, it almost looks as though two are becoming one in this editorial. The similarity between the two models is uncanny -- so much so, that I'm unsure if they are meant to be depicting a romantic couple or a pair of identical twins. Both Hirschfelder and McMillan have angular cheekbones, strong jaws, distinct brows and an identical side-parted hair 'do (styled by Erika Svedjevik).
The pair also sport nearly identical, monochromatic, androgynous fashions with an emphasis on structure (think blazers and crisply collared shirts), picked out by Oscar Lange. Meanwhile, Fredrik Stambro accentuated the high cheekbones and brows. Bjarne Jonasson photographed the shoot.
Strikingly Similar Couple Editorials
The Scandinavia SSWA Spring 2014 issue Features a Similar Duo
Trend Themes
1. Androgynous Fashion - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Designing gender-neutral clothing lines that cater to a growing demand for androgynous fashion.
2. Identical Twin Models - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Creating platforms that connect fashion brands with identical twin models for unique and attention-grabbing campaigns.
3. Angular Cheekbones and Strong Jaws - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Developing cosmetic products or treatments that enhance facial features like angular cheekbones and strong jaws.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Exploring sustainable and inclusive practices in the fashion industry to meet the demand for gender-neutral clothing.
2. Photography - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Introducing advanced technologies and techniques in photography to capture unique and unconventional beauty.
3. Cosmetics - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Researching and developing new cosmetic formulations to enhance and highlight specific facial features.