Integrated Engine Off-Roading Homes

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Rubitracks Designs the Compact and Unique Rubishack Home

Canada-based company Rubitracks creates the Rubishack, which is a unique home that is developed with its own engine and off-road base foundation to combat tough terrains. It is essentially a motor home supported by various modifications at the track base followed by a new generation Cummins engine that covers about 150,000 miles.

It is a compact home that is rooted by four bolt-on tracks by the company with four-wheel drive. This means that it can drive through snow, beaches, muddy bases, and rivers. The home area of the Rubishack is created from wood predominantly and then finished with generous glazing and a planter at the front. It measures 16 in length and 7 feet in width.
Trend Themes
1. Engine-integrated Tiny Homes - Innovative tiny homes incorporating powerful engines to navigate tough terrains offer a new definition of mobile living.
2. Off-road Living Solutions - Homes designed specifically for off-road conditions are enabling adventurous lifestyles without compromising comfort and functionality.
3. Customizable Motor Homes - Advanced track and wheel technologies are transforming traditional motor homes into versatile, off-road capable residences.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive - The automotive industry can explore the integration of advanced engines and drive systems into living spaces to expand the concept of mobile homes.
2. Real Estate - Real estate developers could tap into the growing demand for mobile, off-road homes by offering properties that cater to adventurous lifestyles.
3. Outdoor Recreation - Outdoor recreation markets are seeing increased interest in homes that allow for easy access to remote camping and exploration sites.

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