Polaroid Anti-Paparazzi

RoidRage by Jeremy Kost

The Polaroid may be nearing extinction, with none to be produced again, but Jeremy Kost refuses to swap his clunky camera to join the rest of the world in digital photography.

Whether or not you consider 20 ft tall men in their underwear making funny faces art or not, the fact of the matter is that these images from the RoidRage exhibit will be displayed prominently in the lobby of the Tribeca Grand in New York. The celebrity portrait photography, dubbed the anti-paparazzi, will launch his first video installation "Not Yet Titled (Making Faces)," which will show at the hotel through the weekend.

"Influenced by Warhol's New York, he found inspiration in the eclectic and gritty characters and sites of New York's famed underground East Village and Lower East Side," his site says. "Kost was touched by the energy and honesty of these shots and found he could translate their character and integrity to his work with celebrities and the New York fashion elite, who have gravitated to his aesthetic."

Last week, his work was displayed in Paris, and now it's moved to the Big Apple. As bizarre as the work may be, if that's not an indicator of demand, I don't know what is.
Trend Themes
1. Digital Photography - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop advanced digital cameras with unique features to cater to photographers who prefer to stick with traditional film formats like Polaroid.
2. Anti-paparazzi Photography - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create technology or accessories that make it difficult for paparazzi to capture clear images of celebrities, protecting their privacy.
3. Video Installation Art - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Combine technology and art to create immersive video installations that engage audiences in new and unique ways.
Industry Implications
1. Camera Manufacturing - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore the production of specialized film cameras that cater to photographers who still prefer traditional formats like Polaroid.
2. Personal Privacy Protection - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop products or services that help individuals, especially celebrities, protect their privacy from invasive paparazzi.
3. Art and Entertainment - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Collaborate with artists to create interactive video installations that enhance the viewer's experience and challenge traditional notions of art.

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