Revenge porn is a growing problem, and for those who fall victim to this cruel and insensitive crime, it can be extremely difficult to fight back due to the social stigma as well as a lack of clarity in what resources you can actually access and use to fight back against your tormentor.
The state of California is working to help victims of revenge porn fight back by opening a new cyberexploitation hub. This website gives victims as well as police and other involved the parties the resources they need to respond to instances of revenge porn as well as prevent them for occurring. The hub can help connect victims with lawyers or advise website operators trying to protect their visitors.
While this cyber-exploitation hub doesn't guarantee any absolute protection, it does provide an array of resources that can help victims of revenge porn get their life back.
Revenge Porn-Fighting Sites
This California Hub Helps Victims of Revenge Porn Fight Back
Trend Themes
1. Revenge Porn Awareness - There is an opportunity for companies to develop awareness-raising campaigns and workshops surrounding the dangers of revenge porn and how to prevent and report it.
2. Cybersecurity for Personal Images - The rise in revenge porn highlights a need for companies that offer secure storage for personal images and videos.
3. Online Privacy Protection - Opportunities exist in the development of apps and online platforms that allow users to monitor and protect their personal information and images online.
Industry Implications
1. Legal Services - Law firms can adapt to the rise in revenge porn cases by offering specialized services to victims.
2. Online Security - Companies that specialize in cybersecurity and online privacy protection are well-positioned to help victims of revenge porn.
3. Digital Media - Digital media companies can take advantage of the growing market for image and video-based apps that prioritize user privacy, security, and control.