The “Naked Faces†photo series by Oleg Duryagin explores the face as a reaction to its environment. The artist offers this as a protest to show the person they need to remain true to who they are, and not be concerned with the face they project to the world.
At first Duryagin's work seems to represent people that lack individuality, but upon a second look at this photography of people without eyebrows, they have incredible unique looks.
Implications - Oleg Duryagin's philosophy on his artwork is intriguing. "I have always been trying to make observers to be not indifferent to my pictures, but it does not mean that emotions should only be positive," he says. "They can express both alarm, and fear, and tearing away."
Duryagin's work shocks, surprises, and allures. Something that every artist can only hope to achieve.
Brow Balding
Oleg Duryagin Removes Eyebrows for 'Naked Faces' Photography
Trend Themes
1. Eyebrow-free Beauty - Opportunity for beauty companies to promote a natural, unconventional look through eyebrow removal and balding techniques.
2. Individual Appearance - Opportunity for apparel and accessory companies to market unique and unconventional fashion choices that allow self-expression.
3. Expression Through Art - Opportunity for artists and creatives to explore unconventional techniques in order to make a statement and evoke emotions.
Industry Implications
1. Beauty - Beauty companies can provide unconventional, avant-garde products and services catered towards enhancing a natural appearance without eyebrows.
2. Apparel - Apparel companies can market unique and unconventional fashion pieces as an expression of individuality and break from societal norms.
3. Art - Artists can use unconventional techniques in order to make statements and evoke emotions through thought-provoking art pieces.