Elevated Ranch Water Kits

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The 1800 Most Awarded Ranch Water 2024 Kit Shares a Winning Recipe

Ranch water—a refreshing blend of tequila, lime and sparkling water—delights the taste buds of consumers across the United States with its crisp, light flavor and easy-to-make, customizable nature. BARTENDER Magazine and 1800 Tequila partnered to launch the 1800 Most Awarded Competition to gather elevated ranch water recipes, and one of the newest Cocktail Courier kits shares a taste of the winning entry.

The 1800 Most Awarded Ranch Water 2024 kit shares a simple yet sophisticated recipe for Daniel Rivera’s winning Sea Water recipe, which calls for ingredients like 1800 Blanco Tequila, La Croix’s coconut-flavored sparkling water, simple syrup, limes, Kosher salt and unexpected additions like dried cilantro.

The secret to this five-step ranch water recipe is blending and straining to create a salty cilantro foam, and incorporating air into the mixture with a milk frother or mixer with a whisk attachment.
Trend Themes
1. Enhanced Home Mixology - With easy-to-use kits and exclusive recipes, consumers can craft sophisticated cocktails at home, mirroring a high-end bar experience.
2. Ingredient Innovation - Unconventional ingredients like dried cilantro and coconut-flavored sparkling water add unique twists to traditional cocktails, drawing in adventurous palates.
3. Consumer-driven Competitions - Engaging consumers through recipe competitions fosters community and crowdsources fresh, innovative ideas for brands to commercialize.
Industry Implications
1. Alcoholic Beverages - The blend of traditional tequila with novel flavors offers new product opportunities in the competitive alcoholic beverage market.
2. Subscription Services - Cocktail kits delivered directly to consumers capitalize on the growing trend of subscription services, enhancing the at-home drinking experience.
3. Home Appliances - Increased demand for devices like milk frothers and mixers with whisk attachments promotes growth in the home appliance industry.

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