Concentrated Floral Food Colors

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California Natural Color Pure Purple Butterfly Pea is Clean Label

The California Natural Color Pure Purple Butterfly Pea is the brand's latest product for clean label application to provide a simple yet effective way to elevate the color of a recipe. The food color leverages the brand's proprietary drying technology that's rated to produce a crystal format with a higher concentration when compared to other alternatives on the market. The natural coloring agent will produce vibrant purple shades when used in foods with a pH of 4.0 or lower, while recipes with a pH of 4.0 and higher will have bolder blue hues.

Color Technology Manager Cori Fujimoto spoke on the California Natural Color Pure Purple Butterfly Pea saying, "As wellness remains top of mind among consumers, we continue to see demand for healthier, recognisable and sustainable ingredients, with colours from natural sources playing an important role. Natural blue shades have been an industry challenge."
Trend Themes
1. Clean-label Colorants - The rise of natural food coloring agents to address consumer demand for recognizable ingredients.
2. Ph-responsive Colors - Advances in food color technology that respond to pH levels, offering dynamic color-changing effects.
3. High-concentration Crystals - Development of concentrated color crystals that offer more vibrant and efficient coloring solutions.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The food and beverage sector is increasingly adopting natural colorants to cater to health-conscious consumers.
2. Natural Ingredients - Companies specializing in natural ingredients are exploring innovative drying techniques to enhance product concentration and efficacy.
3. Wellness Products - The wellness industry sees increased integration of sustainable and natural color sources for product differentiation.

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