Reversed Automotive Ads

Audi's Presidential Debate Commercial Plays Entirely in Rewind

Audi's 'Duel Presidential Debate Commercial' tells a story entirely in reverse, beginning with a full-on brawl between a man and a woman. Considering that these figures could represent the the candidates who are currently in the running for US President, it's easy to assume that these two characters represent political opponents. However, Audi tells a completely different story in rewind that only makes sense at the end of the ad.

It isn't until the end of the commercial that the reason behind the fighting becomes clear, where it is revealed that the man and the woman are actually both valets who are fighting for the honor of parking the all-new RS7 Audi. The brand notes: "Keep an eye out for all 18 Easter eggs," which appear in the form of elephant and donkey ice sculptures and a Presidential Tower.
Trend Themes
1. Reversed Storytelling - Opportunity for brands to engage viewers by telling stories in reverse, captivating their attention and creating anticipation.
2. Hidden Easter Eggs - Brands can incorporate hidden elements in their advertisements to create intrigue and encourage audience interaction and exploration.
3. Unexpected Twist - By using unexpected plot twists in commercials, brands can surprise and captivate viewers, leaving a lasting impression.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive - Automotive companies can utilize reversed storytelling techniques in their advertisements to showcase unique features and engage potential customers.
2. Advertising - Ad agencies can incorporate hidden easter eggs in their campaigns to drive audience engagement and create buzz around brands.
3. Entertainment - Film and TV producers can use unexpected twists in their storytelling to captivate and energize audiences, generating increased interest and viewership.

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