Pollution Awareness Performances

This Artist Makes Pollution Visible Through Hi-Tech Capes

While these capes and masks look like an avante garde fashion line, in reality they are making pollution visible with the unique technology they were created with.

Media artist Kasia Molga calls herself a "human sensor" and works to create street performances that show how much pollution there is in the environment and where it is. She gathers performers who march through the streets wearing capes and masks that turn red when around diesel fumes, green when they are near parks and range from purple to white flashes depending on the traffic pollution in Manchester. The clothing items make pollution visible through data that is collected in the streets about the levels of pollution in various areas and then change color accordingly.

These unusual performances put pollution and its harmful effects in full view in a way that is impossible to ignore.
Trend Themes
1. Pollution Awareness - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop wearable technology that visually indicates pollution levels in real-time.
2. Data-driven Street Performances - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create immersive experiences that utilize data collection and visualization to engage audiences with important social issues.
3. Interactive Environmental Art - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Combine art and technology to create interactive installations that raise awareness about environmental issues.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion and Wearable Technology - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Integrate pollution-sensing technology into clothing items to provide personalized feedback on environmental conditions.
2. Entertainment and Events - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Incorporate data visualization and interactive elements into live performances to create engaging experiences for audiences.
3. Environmental Conservation and Activism - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop creative approaches to raising awareness and mobilizing action on environmental issues through art and technology.

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