Aged Plant-Based Cheddars

Plonts Makes Plant-Based Alternatives with Fermentation

Plonts uses the same process that turns milk into cheese to turn plant-based ingredients into cheese alternatives, and the brand's debut product is an aged plant-based cheddar that slices, shreds, melts and tastes like its animal-derived counterpart.

As of early August 2024, Plonts' aged plant-based cheddar can be enjoyed at select restaurants in New York City and the San Francisco Bay Area. Plonts Cheddar is featured in tailor-made dishes that specifically show off its best qualities. While Shuggie's in San Francisco serves Pizza Puffs filled with Plonts plant-based cheddar, mushrooms, pesto, and a ranch dipping sauce, NYC's Court Street Grocers worked with Plonts on a Veggie Classic Sandwich, featuring a mushroom and black bean patty, Plonts plant-based cheddar, pickles, vegan mayonnaise, white onion and romaine on a white bun.
Trend Themes
1. Fermented Plant-based Cheese - Utilizing traditional fermentation methods with plant-based ingredients leads to cheese alternatives that mimic the properties and flavors of dairy cheese.
2. Restaurant Partnerships for Vegan Products - Collaborating with restaurants to create signature dishes helps showcase and validate the versatility of innovative plant-based products.
3. Regional Rollouts of Plant-based Foods - Launching plant-based products in select, trend-setting urban markets allows for targeted feedback and brand strengthening among early adopters.
Industry Implications
1. Plant-based Food Production - Developing new methods to create plant-based alternatives to traditional dairy products is pushing the boundaries of sustainable food technology.
2. Food Service and Hospitality - Integrating high-quality plant-based alternatives into diverse menus provides chefs with innovative ingredients and appeals to a growing demographic of vegan and vegetarian diners.
3. Urban Food Markets - Targeting densely populated urban areas with innovative food products capitalizes on the concentrated demand for sustainable and health-focused dining options.

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