Chatty Bread Branding

Plenum Bread Packaging Introduces itself as Hearty and Healthy

The grocery store really effectively keeps the producer and the consumer quite separate and generally only asserts a helpful role when promotions are the topic of discussion. Plenum Bread packaging narrows in on the gap in the pyramid and seeks to begin a conversation with the customer in order to gain his loyalty.

The Plenum Brand Consultancy of Russia gave these loaves of bread bags that allow them to speak. Each transparent sack has been printed with bright colors, stimulating patterns, and most importantly, with clear callouts that describe the grains' best qualities. "We are bran rolls, healthy for you!" can be considered a more clever merchandizing technique than listing statistics on the back label.
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Packaging - Explore the use of packaging as a means to interact with customers, and give brands the ability to tell their story and gain customer loyalty.
2. Customer Engagement - Discover new ways to engage customers in conversations about products and services, in order to build relationships and a loyal customer base.
3. Visual Storytelling - Embrace the power of visual storytelling as an effective marketing strategy, especially for products that tout their health benefits or unique features.
Industry Implications
1. Food Packaging - Innovate in the food packaging industry by creating packages that not only protect and preserve food items, but also effectively communicate their benefits to customers.
2. Brand Management - Explore new strategies in brand management, including creating interactive packaging, engaging directly with customers, and using visual storytelling to convey product benefits.
3. Advertising - Evolve advertising techniques to actively engage with customers, tell compelling stories, and build brand loyalty through meaningful interactions.

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