All-In-One Wellness Hubs

Platform LA Clusters Innovative Wellness Brands into a Single Destination

Platform LA is an all-new one-stop shop for everything health and wellness. It describes itself as "a collection of the world's most innovative merchants, chefs and creative companies," some of which include Juice Served Here, Soulcycle and Sweetgreen. While some of the most well-known brands do have a presence outside of the city's Hayden Tract district, it's the concentration of businesses and their innovative take on their respective industries that will make Platform LA a new go-to destination for everything food, fashion and fitness.

The complex is currently in development and is set to be fully completed in May, but as of now, many of the individual wellness-focused shops within Platform LA are ready to bring in customers.
Trend Themes
1. All-in-one Wellness Hubs - New one-stop shop destinations for health and wellness, integrating innovative retailers, fitness studios, health tech and more
2. Concentration of Health and Wellness Businesses - A new trend of clustering and concentrating health and wellness businesses, resulting in the creation of wellness ecosystems
3. Creative Wellness Businesses - Emerging trend of creative, innovative wellness businesses, providing a new take on traditional health and wellness offerings
Industry Implications
1. Health and Wellness - As consumers prioritize health and wellness, there’s a booming and growing market for innovative health and wellness products and services
2. Retail - Growing demand for wellness products and services offers an expansive opportunities for retailers in the wellness space
3. Hospitality and Leisure - Innovative hospitality and leisure businesses with a focus on wellness, that cater to health-conscious consumers, are well-positioned to be competitive in this market

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