Chef-Created Dessert Pints

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Rising & Established Stars Created Plant-Based Desserts with Eclipse

Eclipse Foods is teaming up with up-and-coming talent and Michelin star winners alike for its new limited-edition collaboration flavors of plant-based desserts for the summer. The brand is known for creating plant-based dairy products that are virtually indistinguishable from conventional dairy and its new flavors help to expand the reach of plant-based products and support charities.

In the first round of collaborations, fans will find treats like Blackberry tarragon ice cream that supports Olmsted's food bank, Honey Phoenix Oolong milk tea ice cream benefiting Moonlynn Tsai's Heart of Dinner organization and Sweet potato and salty black sugar caramel ice cream for Street Soccer USA. As part of this collaboration, 100% of the proceeds go directly towards the charity of a chef's choosing.
Trend Themes
1. Plant-based Desserts - The rise of plant-based desserts presents an opportunity for businesses to explore and innovate with sustainable and health-conscious ingredients.
2. Chef Collaboration Flavors - Collaborations between chefs and food brands create new and unique flavors that appeal to consumers and support charitable causes.
3. Charity Tie-ins - Brands can align with charitable causes to engage socially conscious consumers and increase brand loyalty while supporting communities in need.
Industry Implications
1. Food & Beverage - The food and beverage industry can innovate on sustainability and health-consciousness with plant-based dessert offerings that cater to consumers' changing tastes and preferences.
2. Nonprofits - Nonprofits and charities can partner with food brands to raise awareness and funds for their causes through creative collaborations that excite consumers.
3. Social Impact - Brands with a focus on social impact can engage their consumers in charitable causes through product offerings that benefit social initiatives and organizations.

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