Provocative Eco Screensavers

Planet-Saving Screen Savers Encourage Switching Off Devices

Agency TheOr is taking a provocative approach to encouraging people to protect and preserve the natural world with its Planet-Saving Screen Savers. To bring attention to the fact that devices use 10 times the amount of power on standby mode versus in sleep mode, TheOr created more than a dozen images that can be used as action-provoking screensavers to encourage people to switch off their laptops and TVs when not in use.

The unconventional screensavers include "not-so-scenic" images of animals that have perished and buildings being demolished, each of which serves as a cue to turn off devices, reserve energy and support the well-being of the planet. These downloads come with instructions for applying these screensavers, and TheOr encourages sharing so that others can take action.
Trend Themes
1. Eco Screensavers - Provocative screensavers designed to encourage energy conservation and support the well-being of the planet.
2. Switching Off Devices - Promoting the habit of turning off devices when not in use to reduce energy consumption and preserve the natural world.
3. Action-provoking Screensavers - Screensavers featuring impactful images to inspire individuals to take action in conserving energy and protecting the planet.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising & Marketing - Opportunities for agencies to create innovative campaigns that encourage eco-friendly habits through unconventional screensavers.
2. Technology - The development of energy-saving features and settings in devices to promote the switch-off behavior and minimize standby power consumption.
3. Environmental Conservation - Collaboration between environmental organizations and tech companies to raise awareness on the environmental impact of device usage and encourage sustainable practices.

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