Geographical Martian Globes

Planetenkugel Manufaktur Designs Accurate Globes of Mars

Planetenkugel Manufaktur is a German design company that specializes in traditional methods of crafting globes. But rather than making traditional globes that depict the entirety of the Earth, Planetenkugel Manufaktur creates globes that represent mappings of Mars.

Though the idea of traveling to Mars is becoming more and more popular thanks to billionaire futurists like Elon Musk, no human has been to Mars. That said, scientists have had a very reliable idea of the planet's geography and topography for more than a century.

Planetenkugel Manufaktur's globes are based off of the Percival Lowell cartography for the Red Planet, which was drawn in 1906. The globe, titled 'Mars and its Canals,' uses the century-old design to maintain the traditional look of globes, even though it depicts an alien terrain.
Trend Themes
1. Martian Mapping - There is an opportunity for companies to leverage modern technology to create highly accurate Mars mapping for use in education, exploration, and entertainment.
2. Traditional Design Revival - There is an opportunity for companies to create traditional design products that showcase modern concepts or materials.
3. Planetary Education - There is an opportunity for organizations to incorporate planetary education into their teaching curriculums and exhibitions to increase science engagement and knowledge base.
Industry Implications
1. Education - Planetary education could be implemented in schools, summer camps, and museums.
2. Space Exploration - Developing technologies that enable more accurate Martian mapping, such as AI or drone-based surveys, could significantly improve space exploration and resources management.
3. Home Decor - Artisanal or traditional design companies could create home decor products featuring Mars mapping, growing the sci-fi and astronomy-inspired markets.

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