Pizza-Flavored Popcorn Snacks

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Pizza-Seasoned Garrett Popcorn is an Exclusive Stadium Treat

Garrett Popcorn Shops and Home Run Inn Pizza teamed up to create Pizza-Seasoned Garrett Popcorn and share it with fans at Wrigley Field concession stands during Chicago Cubs games July 2nd to 7th. Pizza-Seasoned Garrett Popcorn combines Garrett Stadium Buttery Popcorn with Home Run Inn's 'Everything But the Pizza Seasoning, made with savory sun-dried tomatoes, garlic, oregano and parmesan cheese.

"We launched our 'Everything But the Pizza' Seasoning last December and it has been a big hit with pizza enthusiasts. It's a versatile seasoning blend that goes beyond the boundaries of traditional pizza seasoning, showcasing the unique flavor of our legendary Home Run Inn Pizza recipe. Adding it to Garrett Popcorn creates a classic Chicago blend," says Gina (Perrino) Bolger, Senior Vice President of Home Run Inn.
Trend Themes
1. Hybrid Snack Creations - The fusion of pizza flavors with popcorn presents a novel snacking experience that appeals to adventurous eaters and fans of cross-cultural culinary innovation.
2. Exclusive Stadium Treats - Limited-edition food offerings at sports venues can increase fan engagement and provide unique dining experiences that are both memorable and shareworthy.
3. Flavor Diversification in Traditional Snacks - The introduction of gourmet seasoning blends into traditional snacks offers an opportunity to reimagine classic items with elevated, customizable flavor profiles.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Collaboration between food brands to create hybrid snacks can drive innovation and consumer interest in new and exciting flavor combinations.
2. Sports and Entertainment - Partnerships between food brands and sports venues enhance the in-stadium experience by offering fans exclusive and locally-inspired treats.
3. Flavor and Seasoning Manufacturing - Developing versatile seasoning blends that transcend their original applications expands the market potential and opens up new culinary possibilities.

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