The next wave in sustainable living is 'Peecycling' fertilizing, which is not a practice for the weary-stomached.
Human waste van ber converted into valuable fertilizer which can provide valuable nutrients for crop farming. The recycling of urine seems bizarre, however, it's a sustainable and cheap method for some farmers. Plants need phosphorous, and human urine is a source of phosphorous, especially since some scientists are claiming that we will run out of phosphorus by 2030.
Instead of flushing away urine, farmer Seth True pumps urine from a 275 gallon tank for transfer to his crop farm. The Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant offers alternative farming options for farmers instead of investing in synthetic pricey fertilizers, which create environmental problems. A waste water plant Rich Earth local, accessible, free and sanitary sources of nitrogen and phosphorous.
Although Peecycling seems bizarre, it makes perfect environmental sense for people who can get past the "ick" factor.
Urine-Infused Eco Farming
Peecycling Fertilizing is a Unique New Wave Farming Practice
Trend Themes
1. Sustainable Farming Practices - Peecycling fertilizing is an innovative sustainable farming practice that recycles human waste into valuable fertilizer.
2. Resource Conservation - The use of urine-infused eco farming disrupts traditional farming methods by conserving valuable resources, such as phosphorus, that are in limited supply.
3. Alternative Fertilizers - The adoption of peecycling fertilizing presents an opportunity for the development and utilization of alternative fertilizers that are cost-effective and environmentally friendly.
Industry Implications
1. Agriculture - The agriculture industry can benefit from adopting peecycling fertilizing methods as a sustainable farming practice.
2. Biotechnology - The biotechnology industry has an opportunity to develop new technologies and methods for extracting and utilizing nutrients from human waste for fertilizing purposes.
3. Wastewater Management - The wastewater management industry can explore the utilization of human waste as a valuable resource for fertilizing, presenting disruptive innovation opportunities in waste treatment and resource recovery.