Convenient Coffee Payment Apps

Tim Hortons' Timmy Me App Now Lets You Pay with Your Smartphone

With the TimmyMe app, Tim Hortons is offering a new way for you to pay with your smartphone.

Although payment cards like the Tim Card are handy for avid java drinkers, being able to use them depends on actually keeping it in your wallet, remembering it and not losing the card. With the TimmyMe app available for Apple, Android and BlackBerry 10 phones, it's always on hand.

The app is integrated with Passbook and also makes it easy to see how much money you've got loaded onto a card, which you can't do with a plastic card. With the app, users can set up their Tim Card balance reloads manually or automatically, so that carrying around enough cash for a coffee is never an issue.
Trend Themes
1. Mobile Payment Apps - The rise of mobile payment apps like TimmyMe presents opportunities for businesses to adapt and integrate this technology into their own payment systems.
2. Convenience in Payment - The convenience offered by payment apps, such as TimmyMe, creates opportunities for businesses to streamline their payment processes and enhance customer experience.
3. App Integration with Passbook - The integration of apps like TimmyMe with Passbook highlights the potential for innovation in the integration of different apps and platforms.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The food and beverage industry can take advantage of payment apps like TimmyMe to improve efficiency and provide a seamless payment experience for customers.
2. Retail - Retail businesses can explore incorporating mobile payment apps into their stores to offer a convenient and user-friendly checkout process for customers.
3. Mobile Technology - The growth of mobile payment apps opens up opportunities for technological advancements in mobile devices and software development.

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