The Selling of Celebrity

Paris Hilton Inc Documentary

A recent documentary, Paris Hilton Inc., shows how the young heiress was able to transform herself as one of the most idolized, hated, photographed and talked about icons of our time.

"A fascinating journey through the billion-dollar business of star-making with Paris herself and the people who pursue her," CBC summarized.

It goes through how she branded herself and her products, how she got the exposure she did, how she put herself out there and the consequences of it. It talks about the influence of traditional media, bloggers and citizen paparazzi. Here is the 4 part series, ending with the marketing tactics employed after her release from jail this year.

Trend Themes
1. Personal Branding - The trend of personal branding will continue to grow as individuals seek to establish their presence in the public sphere with the use of core values and unique skill sets.
2. Influencer Marketing - The trend in influencer marketing will continue to grow as companies seek authentic ways to connect with consumers on a personal level through partnerships with influential people or brands.
3. Celebrity Documentary Films - The trend in celebrity documentary films will continue to grow as the audience seeks a deeper understanding of the lives of their favorite celebrities, leading to greater engagement and revenue for the entertainment industry.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - The entertainment industry can take advantage of personal branding by providing opportunities for celebrities and influencers to showcase their talents in films, music, and other media.
2. Marketing and Advertising - The marketing and advertising industry can learn from the success of influencer marketing and develop new strategies to connect with consumers through social media platforms and other online forums.
3. Technology - The technology industry can capitalize on the trend of celebrity documentary films by developing new tools and platforms that enhance the viewing experience and provide new insights into the lives of celebrities.

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