Upscale Fast Food Burgers

This Organic Burger Comes With a Spicy Mexican Topping

'Bareburger' is an upscale fast food chain that offers quickly made organic burgers that are more nutritious, diverse and flavorful than those of competing fast food chains.

The 'El Matador' is offered by the chain restaurant and is inspired by Mexican cuisine. The burger is topped with cheese curds, pickled jalapenos, guacamole and green leaf. What makes this burger spicy is its pico de gallo topping -- a fresh Mexican salsa that the chain adds spice to. By adding the spice into the burger's fresh topping rather than the meat itself, the chain store ensures that the burger is accompanied with other flavors to counterbalance the heat.

These organic burgers put a unique spin on what is commonly viewed as a homogeneous market.
Trend Themes
1. Upscale Fast Food - Creating more nutritious, diverse and flavorful options in the fast food industry.
2. Organic Burgers - Meeting the growing consumer demand for organic and sustainable food choices.
3. Customized Toppings - Offering unique and innovative topping combinations that enhance the flavor profile of the burgers.
Industry Implications
1. Fast Food - Disrupting the traditional fast food industry by offering premium, healthier options.
2. Organic Food - Disrupting the organic food industry by providing a convenient and accessible fast food alternative.
3. Restaurant Industry - Creating new opportunities for restaurants to differentiate themselves by offering customizable and unique topping options.

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