Uplifting Social Media Campaigns

Optimism Your Feed Helps Social Media Users Retrain the Algorithm

Social media use has a direct impact on emotional wellness, and physical and mental health, especially when users are continually exposing themselves to negative content, and LG's Optimism Your Feed was created to help consumers retrain their algorithms by purposefully engaging with more positive content. To create this campaign, LG partnered with influencers and consulted with social media experts to create a playlist of intentionally uplifting content.

As part of a global survey commissioned by LG, 45% of people reported that their social media feeds consist of an equal or greater amount of negative content than positive content, and one in four (28%) said that negative content on their feeds has increased their anxiety.

The positive social media playlist can be found on LG’s TikTok and YouTube channels.
Trend Themes
1. Algorithm Retraining - Shifting algorithms to prioritize positive content alters users' emotional and mental well-being on digital platforms.
2. Influencer Partnerships - Collaborations with influencers to push uplifting content leverage their reach to drive social change.
3. Emotional Wellness Content - Strategically curated content focused on emotional wellness caters to the increasing consumer demand for mental health support.
Industry Implications
1. Social Media Platforms - Platforms integrating more positive content aim to improve overall user experiences and engagement.
2. Digital Marketing - Marketing strategies that incorporate emotional wellness can resonate deeper with audiences and boost brand loyalty.
3. Mental Health Services - Mental health sectors can benefit from partnerships with tech firms to provide supportive digital environments.

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