Although it started with a humble attempt to ship a console and a handful of games to embedded U.S. troops in Afghanistan, Operation Supply Drop quickly mounted in its scale and complexity, as sympathetic gamers began donating their wares to the wary combat troops. Today, it's in the mail headed for Kandahar Airport and contains almost 100lbs of gaming goodness.
Activision, EA, Rockstar, Valve, PopCap, Microsoft and swathes of other big names in the industry threw their weight behind Operation Supply Drop to eventually gather enough content to entertain every single Marine stationed in Afghanistan. In reality, however, the first supply drop is being sent to Ryan, a Blackhawk pilot, and his support team stationed in northern Afghanistan. If you're looking for a feel-good, tax deductible charity to donate to, take a second look at FrontTowardGamers, the not-for-profit behind this initiative.
Boot Camp Distractions
Operation Supply Drop Donates Video Games to Deployed Soldiers
Trend Themes
1. Video Game Donations to Troops - The trend towards donating video games to deployed soldiers is growing, creating opportunities for game companies to expand their positive impact in society.
2. Charitable Gaming Initiatives - Charitable gaming initiatives like Operation Supply Drop are becoming more prevalent, presenting opportunities for gaming companies to participate in philanthropic efforts.
3. Gaming for Well-being - Gaming is being recognized as a tool for boosting morale and mental health among deployed soldiers, leading to potential opportunities for gaming companies to explore the intersection between gaming and well-being.
Industry Implications
1. Video Game Industry - The video game industry can potentially explore more opportunities to support charitable initiatives like Operation Supply Drop, further increasing their positive impact and exposure.
2. Charity and Nonprofit Industry - Charities and nonprofits can explore initiatives that utilize gaming as a way to raise funds and support the well-being of their beneficiaries.
3. Military and Defense Industry - The military and defense industry can potentially collaborate with gaming companies to develop and implement gaming programs that support the well-being of deployed soldiers.