BAIT works in collaboration with iconic anime series 'One Punch Man' once again following the duo's inaugural launch earlier this summer. The new capsule follows the same design theme, highlighting the hero of the shoe, Saitama.
However, the new joint capsule will also feature more familiar faces from the show to add more options -- this includes Garou, Genos, Tatsumake, and Crablante as well, who was one of the villains that Saitama faces. The color palette of the collection is bright, adorning the selection of long sleeve tops, sweats, and t-shirts in gray, white, yellow, and light blue. All of the items that are featured in the second collection are now available to shop online and at BAIT Chapter locations.
Anime Character-Themed Streetwear
BAIT and One Punch Man Join on a Second Collaborative Capsule
Trend Themes
1. Anime-themed Streetwear - Creating streetwear collections inspired by popular anime characters presents an opportunity for apparel brands to tap into the growing anime fanbase and offer unique, limited-edition products.
2. Collaborative Capsules - Collaborating with iconic anime series to create limited-edition capsule collections allows brands to reach new audiences and leverage the established fanbase of popular shows.
3. Character Expansion - Expanding the range of characters featured in anime-themed streetwear collections provides opportunities for brands to cater to different fan preferences and offer more diverse product options.
Industry Implications
1. Apparel - The apparel industry can capitalize on the growing popularity of anime by creating unique streetwear collections featuring iconic characters, attracting loyal anime fans and fashion enthusiasts alike.
2. Anime Merchandise - The anime merchandise industry can benefit from collaborations with streetwear brands, offering fans exclusive and limited-edition products that merge anime aesthetics with fashion trends.
3. Retail - Retailers specializing in streetwear and pop culture can stock and promote anime-themed collections, tapping into the demand for unique and culturally relevant products among their target customers.