Authentic Arctic Flicks

'On the Ice' is a New Film with an All-Inuit Cast

'On the Ice' is a stunning film that is set in Alaska's arctic and uses a cast of characters that is entirely comprised of Inuits. The movie follows two young men as they struggle to remain true to their Inuit culture while being influenced by contemporary culture.

'On the Ice,' which is currently seeking funding on Kickstarter, is an aesthetically pleasing and ambitious project. The movie hopes to be able to show in at least ten locations across the United States and will hopefully inspire other filmmakers from unconventional conditions to do the same.

Implications - Consumers are looking to escape the everyday into the unfamiliar. These escapist desires are exciting and stem from the commonness of everyday life. Companies should take this mindset into account when creating marketing initiatives and look to provide an exotic, albeit brief, escape.
Trend Themes
1. Cultural Representation in Film - Films that authentically represent underrepresented cultures are becoming popular, creating opportunities for filmmakers to showcase unfamiliar stories.
2. Indigenous Storytelling - Indigenous people are using film as a means to tell their own stories, providing a platform for themselves and promoting cultural preservation.
3. Ambitious Independent Films - Independent filmmakers are using crowdfunding platforms to create high-quality, ambitious projects outside of traditional Hollywood channels.
Industry Implications
1. Film and Entertainment - Industry professionals can capitalize on the growing demand for culturally diverse and authentic films and provide more opportunities for underrepresented communities in the film industry.
2. Crowdfunding Platforms - Crowdfunding platforms can expand their user base by providing more opportunities for independent filmmakers to create ambitious projects and connect with audiences.
3. Cultural Tourism - Marketing initiatives can incorporate the desire for escape and support cultural tourism by creating travel experiences that allow consumers to immerse themselves in unfamiliar cultures.

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