Free Holiday Condoms

Planned Parenthood Clinics Prep For Obamamania

Woo Hoo! The Heartland of America is expecting Obamamania sex to continue right through the inauguration. To prepare, 35 Planned Parenthood Clinics of Indiana are going to be giving special gifts of free contraceptive goodies during the holiday season.

Instead of just giving out condoms, they'll be giving clients vouchers to claim their free prophylactics instead.

Implications - It's one thing to preach to people about why they should do something, but if you make it fun and exciting you dramatically increase the odds that your target market will respond positively. This initiative is a great example of how savvy organizations can make a connection with their customers that speaks with them rather than at them.
Trend Themes
1. Contraceptive Gifting - More companies could follow suit and give free gifts of contraceptives as a way to connect with younger, sexually-active consumers.
2. Positive Marketing - Organizations could benefit from creating marketing messages that speak with their target market, rather than at them.
3. Holiday-themed Promotions - Businesses can capitalize on the holiday season to create themed promotions as a way to reach a wider audience.
Industry Implications
1. Family Planning Clinics - Family planning clinics could implement holiday-themed promotions to encourage responsible sexual behavior among their clients.
2. Contraceptive Manufacturers - Manufacturers of contraceptives could collaborate with companies to offer free contraceptive gifts during the holiday season as a marketing tactic.
3. Marketing Agencies - Marketing agencies could specialize in creating positive and engaging campaigns for organizations that want to connect with their target market in a meaningful way.

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