Extreme Political Parodies

Obama Girl Hits Sarah Palin Below The Belt

Sarah Palin has inspired so many parodies and humour videos, she could have her own Cartoon Network show. The latest is a parody clip by Barely Political starring non-other than Obama girl.

Certainly not fit for the Cartoon Network, the clip hits Sarah Palin below the belt by employing all of these ‘funny’ bits and pieces from Palin’s history. From that "I’m not flatted chested" t-shirt and her stint in the beauty pageant to her hunting and silly Russia claims.

Just watch the video…
Trend Themes
1. Political Parodies - There is room for other politicians to be parodied in the same fashion as Sarah Palin to create hilarious satire and entertain viewers.
2. Celebrity Humor - There is an opportunity for celebrities to embrace their comedic side and create their own parodies to build rapport with fans.
3. Viral Political Videos - Political parties and candidates can create viral videos to create buzz and influence voters for upcoming elections.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - Entertainment companies can create opportunities and platforms for upcoming comedians and satirists to capitalize on parody and humor.
2. Politics - Politicians can leverage humor and satire to humanize themselves and appeal to a younger and wider audience.
3. Advertising and Marketing - Advertisers and marketers can use parody and humor as a way to create viral campaigns and build brand awareness.

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