Alt Cold Foaming Creams

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SOWN Oat Cold Foaming Cream Enhances Coffee Drinks, Desserts & Cocktails

Award-winning oat coffee creamer brand SOWN debuted Oat Cold Foaming Cream as a convenient way for consumers to indulge in barista-quality vanilla-flavored cold foam from the comfort of home. There's a unique beauty in cafe-crafted drinks thanks to skillful baristas who can create velvety textures and rich flavors that are often elusive when attempting to replicate the experience at home, leaving a sense of disappointment when the homemade versions lack that same indulgent quality. SOWN Oat Cold Foaming Cream offers a simple, affordable way to create cafe-quality drinks, as it's ready to sit atop cold brew after just 30 seconds of frothing.

Other than cold brew, SOWN's non-GMO, gluten-free Oat Cold Foaming Cream dairy alternative pairs well with decadent desserts like affogato and classic coffee cocktails like the espresso martini.
Trend Themes
1. Home-barista Innovations - SOWN's Oat Cold Foaming Cream brings barista-quality cold foam to home kitchens, revolutionizing how consumers enjoy coffee drinks.
2. Dairy-free Indulgences - As a non-GMO, gluten-free alternative, the Oat Cold Foaming Cream caters to the growing demand for dairy-free options in premium drink and dessert preparations.
3. Instant Cold Foam Solutions - The convenience of achieving a perfect cold foam in 30 seconds highlights a shift towards quick, high-quality beverage enhancements for at-home consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Specialty Food and Beverage - The launch of the Oat Cold Foaming Cream adds a new dimension to the specialty food and beverage sector by offering unique, at-home barista experiences.
2. Dairy Alternatives - Expanding the dairy-free market, SOWN's product fits seamlessly into the growing trend of oat-based innovations catering to health-conscious consumers.
3. Kitchen Appliances and Accessories - The rise of quick-prep solutions like the Oat Cold Foaming Cream drives the need for complementary kitchen gadgets designed for easy beverage enhancement.

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