Hipster Wedding Infographics

A Helpful Way to See if You’re at a Hipster Wedding

Non-Traditional weddings are becoming all the rage these days, and refinery29 has created an infographic entitled the ‘Are You at a Hipster Wedding?’ flow chart to help you determine whether or not the nuptials are a little hipper than the norm. The flow chart looks at a variety of different factors, including the invitations (were they sent virtually or via mail?), the dress code (Rag & Bone sample sale, anyone?), the venue, the bride’s dress and of course, the music.

Chances are, if you’re hanging out in a converted barn, drinking cocktails out of a mason jar, the bride is wearing a floral wreath, and all the men are sporting unkempt bears, you’ve found yourself smack-dab in the middle of a Hipster wedding. Be prepared this wedding season: the ‘Are You at a Hipster Wedding?’ infographic is a hilarious look at traditional versus non-traditional weddings.
Trend Themes
1. Non-traditional Weddings - An opportunity for wedding industry professionals to offer alternative venues, decor, fashion, and music for a market seeking unique and personalized experiences.
2. Infographics for Social Media Sharing - A trend for businesses to create visually appealing and shareable infographics that entertain and inform consumers, while also promoting their brand and products.
3. Alternative Wedding Attire - An opportunity for fashion designers and retailers to offer more casual, eclectic, and affordable options for wedding attire that caters to the non-traditional wedding market.
Industry Implications
1. Wedding Industry - A growing industry opportunity to cater to non-traditional couples with new products, services, and technological innovations that deliver personalized and unique experiences.
2. Marketing and Advertising Industry - An opportunity for businesses to utilize infographics as a creative marketing tool that can educate, entertain and promote their brand and products through social media sharing.
3. Fashion Industry - A growing business opportunity to create and market more affordable, flexible and creative wedding dress alternatives to cater to the non-traditional wedding market.

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