Video Resumes

StaffTube Changes Online Recruiting is a brand spanking new employment site that offers the ability to add a video resume. The concept is different from most other sites. You can upload your own profile, resume, photo and even a video. Employers who are looking for staff can then log on and find you and contact you through the network. The site is only new but has some good ideas.

Implications - As social media grows in popularity, the advantages of the Internet are becoming more clear to its users. By integrating the web with products that wouldn't normally be associated with it, consumers can find new and creative ways to express themselves. Developing more ways to utilize the Internet could help a company stay on the cutting edge.
Trend Themes
1. Video Resumes - Video resumes offer a new and creative way for job seekers to express themselves.
2. Integration of Web and Products - By integrating the web with non-traditional products, companies can find new ways to stay on the cutting edge.
3. Utilizing the Internet - Finding more ways to utilize the Internet can help companies stay innovative and ahead of the competition.
Industry Implications
1. Online Recruiting - Online recruitment platforms like StaffTube offer disruptive innovation opportunities through the integration of video resumes.
2. Social Media - The growth of social media creates opportunities to develop innovative ways for individuals to express themselves, such as video resumes.
3. Technology - Companies in the technology industry can explore ways to integrate the web with various products, creating new and unique user experiences.

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