Distancing Suit Shops

Suitsupply's New Normal Shopping Uses Virtually Prepared Fitting Rooms

As businesses of all kinds are allowed to reopen, consumers can expect to encounter new in-store experiences that have been designed with safety in mind—including a "new normal shopping experience" from Suitsupply. Knowing that customers are driven to shop by either a desire to explore and discover or the need to carry out an errand, Suitsupply created a retail journey for the reopening of its physical stores.

Suitsupply will be implementing Safe Shopping Screens, which take the form of freestanding partitions that put a barrier between up-close interactions. To reduce the number of people in a store at a time, a new guided virtual experience is also being introduced to help customers pre-select items with the aid of a live styling expert when browsing online.
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Guided Shopping - The implementation and integration of virtual guided shopping can provide a safer shopping experience for consumers while still promoting engagement.
2. Safe Shopping Screens - The creation and use of Safe Shopping Screens can help reduce anxiety and concerns about in-person interactions within retail spaces.
3. New Normal Shopping Experience - The adaptation and implementation of new shopping experiences for the post-pandemic world can offer unique value propositions for businesses.
Industry Implications
1. Retail Industry - Retailers can benefit from integrating new technology solutions to provide safer and more engaging shopping experiences.
2. Fashion Industry - Innovative and adaptive measures such as pre-selecting items with a live styling expert can provide growth opportunities for the fashion industry.
3. Technology Industry - The development and implementation of technology, such as virtual fitting rooms, can create scalable solutions for a variety of industries and businesses.

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