Curated Neurobeauty Sets

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selfmade's Neurobeauty Bundle Brings Ease to the Skin and Mind

Recognizing that people feel busy, stressed out and overwhelmed in their daily lives, neurocosmetic brand selfmade assembled 300 Neurobeauty Bundles. Although rest and repair are fundamental to well-being, carving out dedicated time for restorative, guilt-free breaks often feels like a challenge, and with this in mind, selfmade created a set that pairs four of its award-winning products with mind-skin rituals developed by Ev’Yan Whitney, the brand's community manager and somatic practitioner in-residence.

The rituals within the Emotional Human Tiny Tote come from the bundle-exclusive NeuroBeauty Rest Field Guide, selfmade's debut publication with self-workshopping prompts developed in partnership with a psychiatrist, trauma psychologist and psychosomatic specialist. As the brand acknowledges, "There is no blanket solution to burnout and our stress cycles, which is why our universal-use products are tools backed by credible neuroscience and behavior research to choose your own adventure."
Trend Themes
1. Neurobeauty Integration - Merging skincare with neuroscience-backed rituals, neurobeauty sets address mental well-being alongside traditional beauty concerns.
2. Restorative Skincare Kits - Curated beauty bundles offering comprehensive care plans combine skincare products with therapeutic self-care guides.
3. Behavioral-skincare Hybrids - Products that blend behavioral science insights with skincare routines innovate by providing holistic, mental and physical wellness solutions.
Industry Implications
1. Personal Care - The integration of mental wellness with skincare routines opens new avenues for personalized and holistic beauty products.
2. Mental Health - Exploring mental wellness within the beauty realm encourages the creation of products that cater to emotional and psychological needs.
3. Publishing - The emergence of guidebooks within beauty bundles highlights a growing market for informative content that complements physical products.

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