Streaming Service Snack Ranges

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Netflix Now Popping Was Created with Popcorn Indiana

The Netflix Now Popping popcorn range has been created by the streaming service in partnership with Indiana Popcorn as a way to help viewers enjoy a sweet, savory snack when watching their favorite movie or show. The popcorn comes in two flavors including Swoonworthy Cinnamon Kettle Corn and Cult Classic Cheddar Kettle Corn, which are both characterized by their sweet and/or savory tastes. The popcorn is making its debut at retailers in eight-ounce bags priced at $4.49 and builds on the brand's food product partnerships.

The Netflix Now Popping popcorn range comes as part of the brand's continued foray beyond streaming into complementary products. This further reinforces brand recognition and helps create cohesive experiences for consumers, which is built on the foundation of brand trust.
Trend Themes
1. Co-branded Snacks - Collaborations between entertainment companies and food brands create unique snack offerings that resonate with shared audiences.
2. Themed Food Products - Introducing food items inspired by popular shows or movies enhances the viewing experience and builds deeper consumer engagement.
3. Cinematic Flavors - Offering flavor profiles tailored to movie-watching taps into sensory experiences, making snack choices more immersive.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The rise of themed snacks creates new avenues for product development, merging entertainment with food consumption.
2. Entertainment - Streaming services are diversifying their offerings to include snack products, broadening their market reach and engagement.
3. Retail - Retailers embracing co-branded snack items can attract consumers seeking holistic entertainment experiences.

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