Resolution-Inspired Juices

For a Limited Time, Nékter Juice Bar Will Be Offering New Year Drinks

Knowing that many people will be adopting health-focused resolutions for the arrival of a new year, Nékter Juice Bar will be offering two new, limited-time beverages to help consumers celebrate a fresh start in 2018.

From New Year’s Day through to February 4th in the new year, Nékter Juice Bar will be serving some fresh and inspiring new immunity- and metabolism-boosting menu items, including the Grapefruit Reboot Juice and the Skinny Skoop. Each of these low-calorie beverages is packed with healthy ingredients—while the Grapefruit Reboot Juice is loaded with apple, orange and fennel, Skinny Skoop is said to be a tart and refreshing frozen treat.

To further help consumers start their new year off on the right foot, the juice bar will also be holding a 3-Day Cleanse Sale, featuring six detoxifying beverage formulas that are rich sources of fruits and vegetables.
Trend Themes
1. Immunity-boosting Drinks - Creating and marketing drinks that have immune-boosting properties can cater to the growing demand for health-focused beverages.
2. Metabolism-boosting Menu Items - Developing new menu items that can enhance metabolism can attract customers looking for products to support their weight management and overall well-being.
3. Detoxifying Beverage Formulas - Designing detoxifying beverage formulas that are rich in fruits and vegetables can appeal to consumers seeking a cleanse and improved physical health.
Industry Implications
1. Juice Bars - Juice bars can seize the opportunity to offer innovative and health-focused beverages that align with consumer resolutions and wellness trends.
2. Health and Wellness - The health and wellness industry can embrace the demand for products and services that support immunity, metabolism, and detoxification to cater to resolution-inspired consumers.
3. Frozen Treats - The frozen treats industry can explore the creation of tart and refreshing low-calorie options to cater to health-conscious consumers looking for guilt-free indulgences.

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