Cleansing Produce Packaging

WWF's 'just' Showcases Natural Care Products from the Earth

The earth is the best supplier of natural care products, but it's up to consumers to implement and advocate the use of these alternatives to store-bought goods. Although there are many brands producing eco-friendly cleaning and care products, there is hardly anything better than completely making your own from scratch using simple ingredients like lemon and vinegar. In order to show what good nature can do, WWF created an initiative called 'just.'

just showcases a range of natural alternatives for cleaning and self-care, using recycled and biodegradable packaging to encase goodness that is supplied by nature.

This WWF initiative is also supported by a microsite where conscious consumers can pick up a few tips for making their own shoe polish using a banana, insect repellent using an orange and pleasing laundry scents using baking soda and basil.
Trend Themes
1. Eco-friendly Cleaning and Care Products - Opportunity for brands to develop and market eco-friendly cleaning and care products that use simple ingredients like lemon and vinegar to appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.
2. Recycled and Biodegradable Packaging - Innovative packaging solutions that are both recycled and biodegradable can provide a competitive edge for brands looking to showcase natural alternatives for cleaning and self-care products.
3. DIY Natural Product Recipes - Creating a platform or service that offers DIY recipes for natural cleaning and self-care products using simple ingredients like banana, orange, baking soda, and basil taps into the growing demand for sustainable alternatives.
Industry Implications
1. Cleaning and Care Products Industry - Opportunity for businesses in the cleaning and care products industry to incorporate eco-friendly ingredients and packaging, appealing to environmentally conscious consumers.
2. Packaging Industry - Innovative packaging solutions using recycled and biodegradable materials present opportunities for businesses in the packaging industry to meet the demand for sustainable packaging options.
3. DIY Recipe Platforms/services - Creating a platform or service that offers DIY recipes for natural cleaning and self-care products can tap into the growing consumer preference for sustainable and customizable alternatives.

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